
Common commands

We assume the repository we are using:

Initial config

The global Git config may be found in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/config.

$ git config --global "Firstname Lastname"
$ git config --global "firstname.lastname@machine"

Cloning a repository

$ git clone $URL
$ cd $DIR

Add a remote pointing to your repository:

$ git remote add my-remote $REMOTE-URL

Making a change

To write a patch for a Free Software project, follow this procedure:

$ git branch
* master
$ git switch -c fix-bug-123  # Create branch fix-bug-123 and switch to it
$ git branch
* fix-bug-123
$ git add
$ git commit
$ git rebase master          # Apply all changes on this branch on top of master

Finally, push your branch to your remote repository:

$ git push my-remote fix-bug-123:fix-bug-123

GitHub should automatically give you the option to create a pull request from the Web interface. Some projects might use other tools, such as Gerrit.

After getting comments on your PR from a maintainer, here is what you should do:

$ git switch fix-bug-123
$ $EDITOR ...
$ git add ...
$ git commit --amend         # Edit latest commit rather than creating a new one

But the master branch may have changed since you last worked on the project. Pull the changes and rebase your branch on top of the master branch:

$ git switch master
$ git pull origin master
$ git switch fix-bug-123
$ git rebase master

You may now push your changes again. Since this will overwrite your remote branch, you may need to use the --force option:

$ git push --force my-remote fix-bug-123:fix-bug-123

Do not force push shared branches.

Other Useful commands

Look at the commits from the current branch, or from a given branch:

$ git log
$ git log $BRANCH

Look at all the commits between two branches:

$ git log master..fix-bug-123

Show the state of your working tree:

$ git status

Grep code:

$ git grep $PATTERN

Useful links